How to Properly Put Out a Cigar

How to Properly Put Out a Cigar

When it comes to enjoying a cigar, understanding how to extinguish it is just as essential as knowing how to light it. This includes respecting every element of the cigar, from the tobacco to the band that adorns it. In this guide, we will explore how to properly put out a cigar.

How to Properly Put Out a Cigar.

1. Remove the cigar band.

Before extinguishing the cigar, it is necessary to remove the band. Leaving the band on while placing the cigar in the ashtray can lead to unnecessary burning and create an unpleasant odor. It may also damage the ashtray or pose a fire hazard. Typically, the band should be removed when you are about two-thirds through with your cigar. By this time, the heat from the cigar will have loosened the glue, making it easier to gently peel off the band. However, ensure you do so carefully to avoid damaging the cigar wrapper.

2. Letting the Cigar Go Out Naturally.

When you allow a cigar to extinguish naturally, you enable it to complete its life cycle in a respectful manner. Crushing or stubbing out a cigar, a common practice for cigarettes, is not recommended for cigars. Doing so can release a burst of unpleasant odors. These odors arise from the sudden release of tars and oils naturally present in the tobacco. Therefore, ensure you extinguish the cigar naturally to avoid this abrupt release. To allow a cigar to extinguish naturally, simply place it in an ashtray when you’re finished smoking. When positioning the cigar, make sure the lit end is not directly against the ashtray’s bottom. This limits the amount of oxygen the ember can access, which is crucial for the natural extinguishing process. The cigar will continue to smolder for a while but will gradually go out on its own.

3. Patient Observation.

Observation is crucial when allowing a cigar to extinguish naturally. After placing the cigar in the ashtray, give it ample time to go out on its own. This process can take a few minutes. Vigilance is vital for safety. Ensure the ashtray is placed on a non-flammable surface to prevent fires. Finally, double-check that the cigar is completely extinguished before leaving the area. These steps are essential for responsible cigar smoking.

4. Don’t Toss Your Cigar Butt.

Disposing of a cigar butt properly is essential for responsible smoking. Unlike cigarette butts, cigar butts should be handled with care. This is because cigar butts take longer to cool down and can pose a fire hazard in natural environments like parks or beaches. So, after your cigar extinguishes, place the butt in a trash bin at home or in a designated smoking area. If you’re in a public space, make sure to find the appropriate receptacles. If none are available, it’s best to carry the butt until you can dispose of it properly.

5. Dip your cigar in water.

Dipping your cigar in water is a technique used by some smokers, particularly when they’re in a hurry. If you choose to try this method, ensure you only submerge the lit end of the cigar in water. This is the most effective way to extinguish the cigar.

Can You Put Out a Cigar for Later.

Cigar enthusiasts often wonder if it’s possible to put out a cigar and save it for later without ruining it. Although it’s not the best way to enjoy a cigar, there are situations where you might need to extinguish a cigar temporarily and relight it later.

Understanding the Implications.

When extinguishing a cigar with the intention of relighting it later, it’s crucial to consider the potential impact on the flavor. As a cigar burns, oils and tars accumulate near the burning end. Upon relighting, these accumulated substances can produce a more bitter or harsh taste compared to the original flavor. This effect is particularly pronounced if the cigar is left extinguished for an extended period before relighting.

Proper Method to Extinguish.

If you decide to save your cigar for later, the way you extinguish it matters. It’s best to let the cigar extinguish naturally rather than stubbing it out. Allow the cigar to rest in the ashtray and extinguish on its own. This method minimizes the concentration of unpleasant flavors when you relight the cigar.

Storing the Partially Smoked Cigar.

After the cigar has completely extinguished and cooled down, store it in a way that minimizes odor. It’s advisable not to put a partially smoked cigar back in your humidor, as it can impart odors to your other cigars. Instead, store it in a well-ventilated area or a separate container. Bear in mind that a relit cigar will never taste exactly the same as a freshly lit one.

Relighting the Cigar.

When you’re ready to relight the cigar, trim the burnt end first with a cutter. This removes some of the tars and oils that have accumulated and can improve the taste. Light the cigar as you normally would, but be aware that the initial flavor may be stronger or more bitter. The cigar may also be harder to light and keep lit due to the changes in the tobacco from the initial lighting.


In conclusion, properly extinguishing a cigar is a mark of a respectful and experienced smoker. It maintains air quality, pays homage to the craftsmanship of the cigar, and ensures safety. Remember, a great cigar experience encompasses not only the smoking itself but also its conclusion.

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