How to hold cigar in mouth

how to hold cigar in mouth

When you first pick up a cigar, it’s kind of like making a new friend. You want to be gentle and kind because this little friend is going to be with you for a while. Now, you might feel a bit nervous about how to hold your cigar in your mouth. It’s totally normal! But no worries—we’re here to go through it together, step by step.

In this guide, We will show you how to hold the cigar with a perfect balance. We will also talk about how long you can take it in your mouth. So, let’s explore the

How to hold cigar in mouth.

1. Hold your cigar in your hand and light it.

Grab your cigar gently near the middle with your thumb and index finger, treating it as delicately as you would a fragile cookie. Look closely at your cigar: you’ll notice one end is open. That’s the end you’ll draw smoke from when it’s lit. The other end might be capped and that’s the end you’re going to light.

Now, to light it up, hold the cigar in your mouth, and take your lighter or a match to the capped end. Don’t let the flame touch the cigar; just hold it close enough so the heat does the work. Rotate the cigar slowly as you gently puff. You’ll see the end start to glow—that means it’s lighting evenly. Keep rotating and puffing until the whole end is lit, glowing evenly all around, and you’re drawing the smoke comfortably. How to light a cigar?

2. Place it carefully between your lips.

The proper way to hold a cigar in your mouth starts with how you use your lips. It is just like sipping from a straw in your favorite drink. You don’t bite the straw; you just rest your lips on it so you can drink easily. Holding a cigar is kind of like that.

First, gently put the open end of the cigar between your lips. Make sure not to push it too far into your mouth. You want just the tip, where the cut or the open end is, to be inside. Your lips should be just touching it, not squishing it.

Now, let your lips lightly touch the cigar, without using your teeth. If you use your teeth, you might damage the cigar, and it won’t feel nice. Plus, if you’re talking or moving around, holding it with your lips means it won’t move much.

3. Don’t put half of your cigar in your mouth.

When you are getting ready to draw on a cigar, be mindful of how far into your mouth you place it. Only the tip needs to be inserted to smoothly draw the smoke. Remember, if you put too much of the cigar in your mouth, it will become wet and hinder your ability to draw the smoke.

4. Don’t Bite or Chew Your Cigar.

When you put the cigar in your mouth, don’t bite or chew it. If you do that, the cigar wrapper can be damaged and fall apart. Your cigar should remain intact for you to fully enjoy the smoking experience. If you chew your cigar, it can get wet and lose its flavor. So, make sure to rest it in your mouth.

5. Don’t Talk With Your Cigar in Your Mouth.

You might have seen folks in movies talking with a cigar in their mouth, looking all cool and relaxed. But in real life, it’s not such a great idea. When you try to talk with your cigar there, it can slip and slide and maybe even get chewed a little. That can make the cigar break or get all wet. Plus, it’s harder for people to understand what you’re saying. So, when you want to talk, be like the movie stars when they’re not in a scene take the cigar out first, have your say, then pop it back in and enjoy your smoke.

6. Avoid Too Much Saliva.

When you’re enjoying a cigar, it’s natural for saliva to build up on the head of the cigar, that’s the part you put in your mouth. But here’s a tip: don’t let it get too wet. If the cigar gets all soaked with spit, it won’t burn right, and it can mess up the flavor. Just keep the head of the cigar as dry as you can while it’s in your mouth. That way, you’ll have a better time smoking it, and it’ll taste just how it’s supposed to.

7. Don’t smoke too far down.

When smoking a cigar, it’s important to know when to stop, especially as you approach the final inches of the cigar. Beyond a certain point, continuing to smoke can lead to discomfort and too much heat. If you push past this threshold, the experience may become less enjoyable. The intense heat can be uncomfortable for your lips and mustache, and the pleasant flavors of the cigar may turn bitter.

However, there’s a clever trick you can use to enjoy every last bit of your cigar without these downsides. You can transfer the remaining stub of the cigar into the bowl of a corncob pipe. By doing this, you can continue savoring the cigar’s flavor while keeping the intense heat away from your face. It’s a classic technique that allows you to extend your enjoyment of the cigar right to the very end without crossing that critical threshold where discomfort and bitterness may arise.

How Long to Keep Cigar in Mouth?

Holding a cigar in your mouth is part of the smoking experience, but you should only keep it there for the time it takes to take a puff, usually just a few seconds. After enjoying the taste, remove the cigar from your mouth and exhale. Leaving the cigar in your mouth for too long can make it wet with saliva and affect how it burns. To keep the experience enjoyable, follow the rule of placing the cigar in your mouth, taking a few-second puff, removing it, and resting before the next puff. This allows the cigar to cool down between puffs and keeps the experience neat.


In conclusion, holding a cigar in your mouth is about finding the right balance and timing. Just as you pause between sentences in a conversation, allow your cigar to rest between puffs. Keep it in your mouth just long enough to savor the flavor, and then remove it. This technique prevents the cigar from getting too wet and ensures you have a high-quality smoking experience. By following these simple tips, you’ll handle your cigar like an experienced smoker, enjoying every moment without any issues. Embrace the leisurely pace and make the experience as relaxing as it should be.

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