Refund Policy for Cuban Cigars
At Cuban Cigar Online, our commitment is to ensure that our customers enjoy the unparalleled quality and craftsmanship of Cuban cigars. However, we recognize that there may be occasions when you’re not entirely satisfied with your purchase. For such times, our streamlined return process is designed to address your concerns swiftly.
Return Eligibility:
For a product to be eligible for return, it should be in the exact condition you received it: unopened, unused, with all original packaging undamaged.
Returns are permissible within a 15-day window from the delivery date. Regrettably, we can’t process returns after this period.
To commence a return, reach out to our dedicated customer service via [email protected] or at +15149089778. Provide your order number and specifics of the product you’re looking to return. We’ll guide you on the subsequent steps promptly.
Upon receiving and examining your return, we’ll inform you via email about the status – whether it’s been approved or declined.
If approved, we’ll process the refund promptly, and the amount will reflect in your original payment method within a few days, subject to your payment provider’s guidelines.
Should your return be denied, our team will provide reasons and suggest further actions.
Return shipping fees are the responsibility of the customer and are non-refundable.
We advise using a trackable shipping service and acquiring shipping insurance for your returns to ensure it reaches us.
If you encounter a defective or damaged item, please alert us within 48 hours of its delivery. We’ll evaluate the situation and either replace the product or issue a refund, as appropriate.
Please note: Products purchased at a discount or during a sale are deemed final and aren’t returnable or refundable.
For any clarifications or queries related to our Refund Policy, our customer service team stands ready to assist.