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Cuban Cigars Quai D’Orsay Brand:
This brand name owes its origin to the sophisticated taste of the French market. Produced in the 1970s, the name is extracted from a well-known street in Paris, france beside the River Seine. All Quai d’Orsay sizes are made with a lighting tasting blend of leaves from the Vuelta Abajo region and its wrappers are usually mainly distinguished by their Claro (light brown) and Colorado Claro (mid brown) colors.
Strength: Light-Medium

(94) $ 1,127.00
(55) $ 1,123.00
Out of stock
(52) $ 739.00
Out of stock
(18) $ 837.00
Out of stock
(47) $ 885.00
Out of stock
(30) $ 837.00
Out of stock
(42) $ 1,145.00

All sizes are "totalmente a mano, tripa larga" - totally hand made long filler.