Shipping cost
At Cuban Cigar Online, we tailor your checkout experience by dynamically calculating the price based on the selected carrier, destination, and delivery timeline.
When does my order arrive?
After placing your order, you’ll receive an estimated delivery date, which is influenced by the chosen shipping method, your destination, and our inventory availability. We typically aim for a delivery window of 3 to 5 business days for orders within the United States and 7-10 business days for international shipments, although it could be sooner or may extend slightly depending on the specific box you’ve selected. While we are committed to meeting these delivery windows, please remember that external factors such as customs clearances, local delivery nuances, and periods of high demand can impact the actual delivery date.
What happens when I’m not at home?
If you’re not present during the delivery attempt, the courier service typically leaves a note with instructions on rescheduling the delivery or picking up your order from a local depot. We recommend checking the tracking information provided for any updates or instructions.
How to track my order
Stay updated on your order’s journey! After your order ships, you’ll receive an update of your order via email. If you face any issues or delays, our customer service team is here to assist.